The Kunsthaus is home to the most important museum collection of works by Alberto Giacometti and the biggest assembly of paintings by Edvard Munch outside Norway, along with outstanding works of Impressionism and Classical Modernism – from Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Pierre Bonnard to Oskar Kokoschka and Marc Chagall. Further highlights include the Pop Art of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein as well as works by artists such as Cy Twombly, Joseph Beuys and Georg Baselitz. Video installations and photographs by Fischli/Weiss and Pipilotti Rist extend its reach into the 21st century.

The Kunsthaus also holds the world’s largest collection of objects from the Dada movement, which was founded in Zurich in 1916: exhibitions that change every three months celebrate the work of Dada artists including Hans Arp, Hannah Höch, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Man Ray and Tristan Tzara. Meanwhile, series such as ‘ReCollect!’ offer contemporary artists an opportunity to engage with the collection.

Since the extension designed by David Chipperfield opened in 2021, the Kunsthaus has had more space for contemporary art, and now exhibits major private loans featuring groups of Fauvist and Expressionist works in the Gabriele and Werner Merzbacher Collection, Impressionism in the Emil Bührle Collection, and American Abstraction in the Hubert Looser Collection.

Art that moves you

Our interactive visitor guide includes current highlights, works by female artists, outdoor sculptures and other useful tips.

Works of art can sometimes attract, and sometimes irritates. Some make you question your convictions; others are truly exhilarating. One thing is certain, though: a visit to the Kunsthaus will never leave you unmoved.

« A very fine collection with works by many important artists. The building’s architecture is also very nice. And you can even get in for free on Wednesdays. » — Anna, local guide (Google review)
« The quality of the pictures is amazing. Picasso, van Gogh, Monet… they’re all here. I don’t have to go to MoMA to see them. I think the Kunsthaus Zürich alone justifies a trip to Switzerland. » — Stefan C. (Google review)
« A great collection. Lots of modern but also classical pictures. We just sat there for nearly an hour and took it all in. » — Pins R. (Google review)
Gertsch, Franz und Luciano, 1973

Discover over 3,000 works

Linger in front of an artwork for as long as you like, learn more about its history and download it – with a digital tour of over 3,000 paintings, sculptures, installations and graphic works from the Kunsthaus, available online thanks to generous support from the Federal Office of Culture (FOC).


Up close with priceless originals

Leaf through sketchbooks, manuscript letters and other fragile objects from the holdings of the Kunsthaus Zürich that are not easily accessible in original form but are available round the clock as digital reproductions – currently focusing on works from the library, archive and Collection of Prints and Drawings.


Art in the digital space

You can experience digital works by contemporary artists not only in a dedicated collection room at the Kunsthaus, but also where they truly belong: in the Kunsthaus Digilab, a digital space where they are accessible to art enthusiasts from around the world.

Image rights and reproductions

If you would like to reproduce works from the Kunsthaus Zürich’s collection in publications, you can obtain usage rights and order images. You can also obtain digital reproductions of all the works in the collection. Individual usage permits can also be supplied electronically, and data can be delivered in the same way.

Advice and contact, +41 44 253 84 21