Events in the collection

Discover over 3,000 works
Linger in front of an artwork for as long as you like, learn more about its history and download it – with a digital tour of over 3,000 paintings, sculptures, installations and graphic works from the Kunsthaus, available online thanks to generous support from the Federal Office of Culture (FOC).

Up close with priceless originals
Leaf through sketchbooks, manuscript letters and other fragile objects from the holdings of the Kunsthaus Zürich that are not easily accessible in original form but are available round the clock as digital reproductions – currently focusing on works from the library, archive and Collection of Prints and Drawings.

Art in the digital space
You can experience digital works by contemporary artists not only in a dedicated collection room at the Kunsthaus, but also where they truly belong: in the Kunsthaus Digilab, a digital space where they are accessible to art enthusiasts from around the world.