
Marvel, experience, explore! The Kunsthaus Zürich is transforming its public spaces into spectacular stages, with monumental sculptures and thrilling installations by international stars of contemporary art. Getting things off to a flying start in 2025 is a breathtaking sculpture by the renowned artist Monster Chetwynd in the Art Garden.

The projects are being realized thanks to private donations. You can contribute too: your support for the Gateway Fund helps bring unforgettable, free art experiences to Zurich. Thank you very much.

Haefner Foyer and garden – public places for encounters with art

Architect Sir David Chipperfield designed both the monumental lobby and the garden of the new building as public spaces that can be accessed free of charge and in which everyone can come face to face with art. Artists from all over the world are invited to take up temporary residence in the Kunsthaus and present a wide variety of cultural influences and perspectives through their works. These free exhibits will be open to all, and will be on show for a period of between six months and two years.

Planned Installations

Garten_Monsters Garden Mai 2024
Meeting with Monster Chetwynd at the Kunsthaus Ateliers at the Chipperfield building.
Garten der Kunst, Kunsthaus Zürich, Foto (c) Franca Candrian
Garden of the arts, Kunsthaus Zürich, Photo © Franca Candrian
15 Hyundai Commission_ El Anatsui - Behind the Red Moon, Installation View, Photo ©Tate (Lucy Green)
El Anatsui, Behind the Red Moon, Installation View, Photo ©Tate, Lucy Green
Hyundai Commission_El Anatsui_Behind the Red Moon, Installation View, Photo (c) Mirjam Varadinis
El Anatsui, Behind the Red Moon, Installation View, Photo © Mirjam Varadinis
Faith Ringgold
Foyer Haefner, entry hall at the Chipperfield building 2024, Faith Ringgold, Jazz Stories, Photo © Franca Candrian

Monster Chetwynd

In parallel with her exhibition in the Chipperfield building, Monster Chetwynd (b. 1973 London) will be the first artist to actually transform the Chipperfield garden into a garden of art. She will be investing the green space with a walk-through sculpture in which the history of monumental sculpture establishes a fascinating connection to science-fiction fantasy films from the 1970s.

The project will enhance a publicly accessible urban square that is currently little used, invite interactions, and act as a playful gateway to the museum. As well as being ‘naturally’ activated by visitors exploring the sculpture’s interior and using it for various activities (such as a temporary exhibition space as part of young people’s workshops), the installation will also be celebrated over a summer weekend each year, with artistic and playful interventions.

13 Hyundai Commission_ El Anatsui - Behind the Red Moon, Installation View, Photo ©Tate (Lucy Green)

El Anatsui

In 2027, a space-filling installation by the Ghanaian artist El Anatsui (b. 1944), which is being created in collaboration with the renowned Tate Modern in London, is planned for the Haefner Foyer. El Anatsui is the most important African artist working on the continent today. He is best known for his monumental, cascading sculptures made from thousands of recycled bottle tops that combine local aesthetic tradition with the global history of abstraction.

With your donation to the Gateway Fund, you will play a vital part in bringing unique art installations to Zurich and fashioning unforgettable experiences for countless people.

Your contact

If you have any questions, please contact Cornelia Roos, Partnerships and Philanthropy Department.


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Account for donations to the Kunsthaus Zürich

Bank Credit Suisse, CH-8070 Zurich
Clearing no.: 4835
Account: 638409-01
IBAN: CH10 0483 5063 8409 0100 0 SWIFT/BIC: CRESCHZZ80A

Account in the name of Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft, Postfach, 8024 Zurich

Purpose Gateway Fund

Alternatively, scan this code directly using your e-banking app:

Thank you very much for your support.